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Rebranding, our approach

TOTEM's approach to rebranding your business

In the ever-shifting landscape of business, your brand isn’t just a logo or a catchy tagline—it’s the beating heart of your organisation. But what happens when that heartbeat starts to falter? When you know your brand no longer resonates with your audience or reflects your true potential? That’s when it’s time to consider rebranding. At TOTEM, a leading rebranding agency, we don’t just give your brand a facelift, we breathe new life into its very essence, offering comprehensive rebranding services that go beyond a simple logo redesign.

In the ever-shifting landscape of business, your brand isn’t just a logo or a catchy tagline—it’s the beating heart of your organisation. But what happens when that heartbeat starts to falter? When you know your brand no longer resonates with your audience or reflects your true potential? That’s when it’s time to consider rebranding. At TOTEM, a leading rebranding agency, we don’t just give your brand a facelift, we breathe new life into its very essence, offering comprehensive rebranding services that go beyond a simple logo redesign.

Our rebranding philosophy - transformation, not decoration

At TOTEM, we’re not in the business of slapping a fresh coat of paint on a crumbling structure. Our approach to rebranding a business is about digging deep, unearthing the true potential of your company, and building an identity that’s solid.

We believe that truly successful rebranding isn’t just skin-deep — it’s about igniting a fire within your organisation that burns bright enough for the world to see. Our philosophy centres on three core pillars,

  • Authenticity – we don’t create masks, we reveal your true face to the world.
  • Vision – we look beyond the horizon, crafting brands that are built for tomorrow, not just today.
  • Impact – every decision, every design, every word is chosen with one goal – to drive real, measurable results for your business.

Mapping the uncharted, understanding your business landscape

Before we even think about sketching a new logo or crafting a tagline, we embark on a journey of discovery. Think of us as mapping the terrain of your business ecosystem.

We dive into your market, consumer data and the reefs competition. We scale the peaks of your internal culture, getting to know the people who make your business tick. This isn’t just research — it’s an expedition into the heart of what makes your business unique.

By the time we’re done, we don’t just know your business—we understand it on a cellular level. And that understanding becomes the compass that guides every decision in your rebrand, whether it’s a small business rebranding project or a large-scale corporate rebranding effort.

A journey together, collaboration is our north star

At TOTEM, we don’t believe in the “big reveal” approach to rebranding. You won’t find us disappearing for weeks, only to emerge with a fully-formed brand that feels alien to you. Instead, we invite you to join us on the journey of rebranding your company.

Think of us as guiding you through the challenges of rebranding. We’re there to offer our expertise, to push you when you need pushing, and to support you when the path gets steep. But you’re an essential part of the expedition team.

This collaborative approach isn’t just feel-good fluff—it’s the secret sauce that leads to truly transformative results. Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what Léone, CEO of Aton, had to say about her experience with us,

“TOTEM understood us. We’re ‘in’ our story, so we really appreciated TOTEM’s perspective to help us clarify and tell it. They energised us, stimulated our minds, and helped us to see broad and wide. To focus on the vision.”

Aton slider

The rebranding process, from spark to wildfire

So, how do we actually do it? Let’s break down our process into its key phases,

Discovery, unearthing your brand’s hidden gems

This is where we don our metaphorical hard hats and start digging. We’re not just scratching the surface—we’re going deep into the bedrock of your business. We’ll,

  • Interview key stakeholders to understand the vision that drives your company
  • Analyse customer feedback to uncover the true perception of your brand
  • Conduct comprehensive market research to identify opportunities and threats
  • Assess your current brand assets to determine what’s working and what’s not

By the end of this phase, we’ll have a treasure trove of insights that will fuel the rest of the rebranding process.

Strategy development, crafting your brand’s north star

With our insights in hand, we roll up our sleeves and get to the heart of the matter—developing a brand strategy that will guide every aspect of your rebrand. This isn’t about creating a pretty mood board (though we’ll do that too). It’s about answering fundamental questions like,

  • What’s your brand’s purpose? (Beyond making money, what difference do you want to make in the world?)
  • What are your core values? (And no, we don’t mean those generic ones gathering dust in your employee handbook)
  • What’s your unique value proposition? (In a world of copycats, what makes you irreplaceably you?)
  • Who is your target audience? (And we mean really target—not just “everyone with a pulse and a wallet”)

The result? A robust brand strategy that serves as the foundation for everything that follows, whether you’re rebranding a small business or refreshing a multinational corporation.

Design and execution, bringing your brand to life

Now comes the part you’ve been waiting for—the visual and verbal expression of your new brand. But remember, this isn’t about making things look pretty (though they will). It’s about creating a cohesive identity that communicates your brand strategy at every touchpoint.

We will develop,

  • A new visual identity (logo rebranding, colour palette, typography, imagery style)
  • A distinctive brand voice and messaging framework
  • Key brand assets (website rebranding, marketing materials, social media templates)
  • Brand guidelines to ensure consistency across all platforms

But we don’t stop at creation. We work closely with your team to implement the new brand, ensuring a smooth transition that gets everyone excited about the change.

Navigating the rapids, overcoming rebranding challenges

Some common challenges in rebranding your business include,

  • Internal resistance, “But we’ve always done it this way!” (Maybe that’s why you need a rebrand.)
  • Budget constraints, Trying to rebrand on a shoestring budget is like trying to climb Everest in flip-flops. Possible, but not recommended.
  • Maintaining brand equity, How do you evolve without alienating your existing customer base?

At TOTEM, we don’t shy away from these challenges—we embrace them. Our approach is to anticipate potential roadblocks and develop strategies to navigate them before they become issues. And when unexpected challenges do arise (because let’s face it, they always do), we tackle them head-on with creativity, flexibility, and a dash of humour

But it’s not just about the numbers. We also look at qualitative factors like improved brand perception, increased customer loyalty, and a more cohesive company culture.

Take our work with HCS, for example. They had a very ambitious, 5-year-plan to double turnover and win at least 150 new clients, so needed to stand out and attract the right customers by delivering the right message, to succeed. CEO Neil Phelan says,

“When we started working with Colin and TOTEM, we just knew straight away that this was the team we wanted to work with. And to be honest, we just haven’t looked back, they’ve done a fantastic job.”

For HCS, it’s been an invigorating experience. Now that’s what we call making a meaningful impact through rebranding design.

The TOTEM difference, why our approach works

You might be thinking, “Sounds great, but what makes TOTEM different from every other rebranding company out there?”

Fair question. Here’s the deal,

  1. We’re in it for the long haul, We don’t see rebranding as a one-and-done project. We are here over 20 years and are committed to building long-term partnerships with our clients, helping them nurture and evolve their brand over time.
  2. We speak human, No buzzwords, no jargon, no corporate-speak. We believe in clear, direct communication that gets to the heart of the matter. And are here to hold your hand.
  3. We’re results-obsessed, Pretty designs are nice, but we’re more interested in driving real business results. Every decision we make is focused on moving the needle for your business.
  4. We’re not yes-men (or yes-women), We’re not afraid to challenge your assumptions or push you out of your comfort zone. After all, if you wanted to stay comfortable, you wouldn’t be rebranding.
  5. We make it fun, Who says rebranding has to be a slog? We inject humour, creativity, and energy into the process, making it an adventure rather than a chore.

Rebranding, a commitment, not a quick fix

Here’s something you need to know upfront, rebranding isn’t a magic wand. It’s not going to solve all your business problems overnight. What it will do is give you the tools and the foundation to tackle those problems head-on.

Think of rebranding like planting a garden. We’ll help you prepare the soil, choose the right seeds, and plant them with care. But for that garden to flourish, it needs ongoing attention and nurturing. That’s why we don’t just hand over a shiny new brand and disappear. We stick around, helping you water, weed, and tend to your brand as it grows.

Ready to transform your business?

If you’ve read this far, chances are you’re feeling that itch—that nagging sense that your brand isn’t quite living up to its potential. Maybe you’re excited about the possibilities, but also a little nervous about taking the plunge into rebranding your company.

Here’s the thing, the biggest risk in business isn’t taking action—it’s standing still while the world changes around you. Every day you wait is a day your competitors are getting ahead, a day your customers are looking elsewhere, a day your team is losing motivation.

So, are you ready to ignite real change in your business? Ready to build a brand that doesn’t just look good, but drives genuine growth and connects with your audience on a deeper level?

Then it’s time to take the first step. Reach out to us at TOTEM, and let’s start mapping out the future of your brand. Whether you’re looking for a complete corporate rebranding, a brand refresh, or assistance in rebranding after acquisition, we’re here to help. Together, we’ll create an identity that doesn’t just reflect your business—it propels it forward.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Let’s take that step together and embark on your rebranding journey.

TOTEM: Guide to positioning

This simple guide is designed to equip you with tools and strategies to navigate positioning effectively. Whether you’re new to the concept or seeking to refine your existing strategy, this will serve as your compass in the journey toward a strong positioning and a powerful brand identity.

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